Sunday, April 2, 2017

Grand Canyon

As we proceeded north from Luke's we were treated with more wonders to take in!

I found it quite amusing that we spend the winter months in Great Britain, and we have to go out to the South West to see snow.  How wonderful!

It was quite heavy in Flagstaff!

The Grand Canyon

A song comes to mind when looking upon this wonder.  The lyrics are so appropriate..."the universe displays Your Majesty, You are Holy, Holy."  The Grand Canyon truly does display God's majesty.  What majesty, brilliance, and wonder.
A storm approached as we were getting our first sights of this amazing site.

We were treated with so many different weather patterns.  It was incredible!

The Bright Angel Trail

Bright Angel Lodge
The Bookstore

We enjoyed sunrise while walking on the Rim Trail.

We had such a glorious time walking the Rim Trail.  What an artist God is!

How fortunate we are to have had such wise people from our past to preserve this wonder as a National Park.  Thank you, Teddy!!

Our pictures do not even come close to portraying the magnificence of this land.

Hopi House
Native American Arts and Crafts

Our Cabin

Sunset at one of the vista points, Hopi Point, recommended to us by our waitress

No matter where we look, we see Awesome!

Snowcapped mountains in the distance

We were even blessed with being able to see elk.

We also got to see some mules before they took off down the trail.
Of course, I had to go over and say, "Hi!"

I know this is a lot of pictures, but I so wanted to share the grandeur of this place in some small way.  Now we are off to Florida.  God's blessing to all.


  1. Thanks guys for my Sunday sermon. LARISA

  2. Beautiful pictures of the Grand Canyon. Makes me want to go back! We also watched sunrise at Hopi Point - must have had the same waitress, ha ha!
